Paeonia Species
based on / copied from D. Y. Hong "Paeonies of the World" vol. 1-3 (2010, 2011, 2021)

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P. rotundiloba (D. Y. Hong, 2011)

[Hong, D. Y., J. Syst. Evol., vol. 49 (5), 2011, p. 464-467]
First Description: P. decomposita subsp. rotundiloba (D. Y. Hong, 1997)
Synonyms: P. decomposita subsp. rotundiloba (D. Y. Hong, 1997)

P. rotundiloba (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023), © Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]
Plant: Ploidy: 2n=10
Growth Habit: tree / shrub
Height: up to 250cm
others: stems 3cm in diameter at the base, grey-black;
glabrous throughout
Leaves: # segmentation: 20-37(-49) leaflets
others: lower leaves mostly biternate-pinnate or ternate-pinnate, with 20-37(-49) leaflets;
leaflets not decurrent; terminal leaflets rhomboid or orbicular,
2.4-5.5cm long, 1.5-4.8cm wide, 3-partite to the base or 3-fid, terminal lobe 3-lobed
Flowers: Season: May
# flowers/stem: solitary, terminal
Bracts: involucrate bracts 2-5, mostly 2 or 3, unequal in size, linear-lanceolate or broad-elliptic, lobed or segmented
Sepals: 3-5 in number, green, broadly ovate or nearly orbicular, unequal in size, 1.5-2.5cm wide, all caudate at the apex
Petals: obovate or oblong, incised at the apex,
3.5-6.5cm long, 2-4.6cm wide
Flower Colour: rose
Disk: half-leathery, pale yellow, enveloping the whole ovary at anthesis, 8-15mm high, with triangular teeth
others: flower diameter 10-15cm
Fruit: Season: late August to September
# of Carpells: most frequently 3, less often 2, 4 or 5
Style / Stigma: styles 1-1.3mm long
stigmas red
Follicles / Ovary / Ovules: follicles brown or grey-brown when mature, ellipsoid, 2.2-3.5cm long, 1.2-1.6cm in diameter
Seeds: black, glossy, broadly ellipsoid or nearly globose, 8-10mm long, 6-8mm in diameter
Habitat: Location: growing in well-thickets, young secondary forests of sparse Cupressus chengiana forests, at an altitude of 1750-2700m
Soil: on rocks
Geogr. Distr.: confined to the Minjiang River valley of N Sichuan and Tewo County of SE Gansu, China. Tewo County in SE Gansu is a new locatity for this species. The species is narrowly distributed and disjunct between the Minjiang Valley and the Bailongjiang Valley
Countries: China
Common Names:  

P. rotundiloba (entire plant)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. rotundiloba (single leave from top)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
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P. rotundiloba (Flower)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

P. rotundiloba (Fruit / Seeds)
Photo: Juerg Plodeck (Basel, May 2023),
© Copyright Juerg Plodeck 2023
[ click on image for full image ]

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